Sunday, September 13, 2009

What are you looking for?

I've found it!
Wonderful wife, wonderful life, great job, fun with photography, fulfilling avocation (officiating high school football) and I'm savoring every minute!

The following article on networking received such favorable feedback, there will be a second in the series soon. The one before that, on vacation photos was well received, too.

Good luck on your quest and remember. Set a goal. Have a plan.
If you don't know where you're going, you won't know it when you get there!

Watch for updates soon!


  1. Well said and written - inspirational to me, so thanks for sharing!

    Happy Weekend :-)

    RennyBA's Terella

  2. Sounds like you have worked out a good life balance Chip - as we would say in the UK 'Bob's your uncle':)

    Great photos by the way

  3. Fantastic points! Congratulations on reaching your goals!
