Saturday, November 16, 2013

For whom did you last vote?

The Eight Sentences
They could hear the dominoes being shuffled again,so Abe spun around on his bar stool to face the gamesmen and asked, “How many of y’all vote?”
His answer was four blank stares. 
After a pause, York spoke up, “You mean in elections?”
Louie said to Abe, “Guess you got your answer, huh? What about you, do you vote?”
“Sometimes, the last time I voted was when Samuel L.Jackson and I voted for the brother, gimmie another beer.”
Louie volunteered, “The last time I voted was for Miss Rheingold.”

The Back Story
     The members of the Presidents Club and their bartender discuss the relative interest of the general population in voting. Some people don't even bother anymore. Do you vote?
Louie the bartender did. He voted for Miss Rheingold in the beer company's annual competition. 

     The Presidents Club went live on Amazon earlier this week.
Official release date is Tuesday, Nov. 19. If you've enjoyed my snippets, I hope you'll help me with some exposure by sharing this link in the social media.

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  1. “You mean in elections?”
    LOL I love that line! It triggers my sarcasm switch.

  2. You've done a wonderful job developing atmosphere in this snippet. I'm looking forward to being able to read The Presidents Club in it's entirety. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Jess.
      It's available now on Amazon.
      Happy reading.

  3. 'Course I vote. If you don't vote, you give up your right to complain about the government---and why would you do that?

    I'm with Jess---I want to read this!

  4. “How many of y’all vote?”
    His answer was four blank stares.
    Unfortunately, a typical response in some circles. You've really set a mood with the snippet. :) Good luck with the release!

  5. This dialogue is so smooth and so believable, I could hear it, Chip. Nice job. Good 8 :-)

    1. Thanks Teresa -- a real compliment.
      My editor advised me with my first book to set the scene briefly as narrator and let dialog take over drive the story. It's fun to get in to character as these guys who aren't that much older than I.

  6. Engaging snippet. Yes, I vote and I try and bring one of my kids with me. It's a big deal that I get a say and I want them to get excited for when it's their turn.

  7. Loved the banter in this scene. I could picture the characters in my mind. Well done!

  8. A very realistic scene indeed. Terrific always from you, sir.

  9. This cracked me the blank stares. And the bartender's answer : )

    1. Millie you're the first to comment on the bartender's reply.
      Are you familiar with Rheingold beer?
      I was not, my wife (from NJ) told me about it.

  10. I was secretly glad our dryer died yesterday because it meant I could read your book at the laundromat. :) Loving it more and more!

  11. Congrats on your release, Frank. Too bad so many people really don't vote.

  12. They all seem to have no clue at all, that's so funny.
